Monday, August 2, 2010

What is a Bestfriend? and can we call those who really are true friends Bestfriends?

A bestfriend is someone we can count on, someone who will be there till the day you die and will always have your back no matter what the situation is.
That's the basic way of describing someone you have spent years talking to, about the most weirdest things and the funniest moments in your lifetime. The only question is, how long do friendships really last?
It's a matter of believing not only in yourself, but in the person you want to share your entire personal life with.
We all go through times where things can get rough with friends, but when we look back, in the end it just turns into laughter and jokes. We as people sometimes don't take the time to realize that those rough patches is what makes our relationship stronger.
It's like compairing it to a relationship with your boyfriend, husband, or closest guy friend, rough patches make you realize that there is more important things to look at and embrace than an argument over a silly mistake or even something that is said wrong.
We count on bestfriends to understand what goes on in our lives and how were suppose to deal with certain situations, but do we really look at what the bestfriend feels inside. We put so much stress on them it sometimes makes us look like crapy friends. How does it feel to be the one who has to listen to the hurtful words we speak out on others or how we cry because something terrible has come our way ?
To those bestfriends, it makes them feel horrible because they sometimes don't know what to say or how to make you feel better.
Thats when we should look up the definiton on what a bestfriend is, and compare it to a true bestfriend, see if the one you call your BESTFRIEND is really someone you can count on and tell them every word and talk about the funniest moments in your life...

Whats your opinion?

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